Specialty Agriculture

Field Trials available Spring and Summer 2024 in California

Talk with us about testing your use case for BOLT in specialty agriculture. We’ll bring the equipment and the expertise for three days of field trials so you can see operations and results first-hand.

Case Study: Corn

Out-Yielding Chemical Nitrogen Inhibitors

BOLT out-yielded the leading chemical inhibitors by an average of 6 bushels per acre and the untreated control by 15 bushels per acre.

Bar chart

Average Corn Yield Results Southern IL Comparison Plot, plant date 4/21/18, Dekalb 64-85 @ 32,000 population. Nitrogen Program: 20 # pre-plant broad- cast, 4# in furrow with starter, side dress 140# at V4 on 5/19/18. Inhibitors applied only during side-dress applications. Side-Dressed UAN solution. Harvested Plot on 9/15/18. 3 replications on each inhibitor, 6 replicates of control check, 6 replicates of bolt.

Supercharge Your Soil

Request a BOLT electrical soil treatment now. Capacity is limited for the 2024 season. Local agronomy service partners are being enrolled now. Contact us for terms and conditions.

Kentland, IN and Central Valley, CA